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Happy Hour Session with Simon Evenett

August 12, 2022 by The Procurement Initiative

Last Thursday, we had the pleasure to host our second Happy Hour Session with our Club of Future Procurement members, H&Z Management Consulting, and the Institut für Supply Chain Management, Universität St.Gallen.
During the session, Simon J. Evenett, Professor of International Trade and Economic Development at the Universität St.Gallen (HSG) and Coordinator at Global Trade Alert, focused on how "Governments disrupt supply chains of essential goods with evidence from COVID-19 and the Conflict in Ukraine".
Key viewpoints include:
➡ There will undoubtedly be permanent scarring from the COVID-19 crisis and associated fallout. The sequence of shocks seen over the past few years calls into question what is "normal" or the baseline.
➡ The disruption to supply chains of recent years has shaken policymakers' faith in the private sector's capacity to organize supply chains.
➡ Limited willingness of policymakers to develop global responses. As has been the case since the Global Financial Crisis, unilateralism — not reciprocal — approaches to trade policy predominate.
For more insights, check out the slideshow below⬇️.
Many thanks to all the participants, among others: Erik Hofmann, Nicolai-André Stickler, Martina Buchhauser - The Procurement Initiative, Anna-Lena Dahlstrom, Jonas Gottsche, Giorgi Vardosanidze, Jens Danneil, Andreas Mack, Thomas Janvier, Claas Radtke, Marielle Beyer, Lynn De Proft, Helmut Safar, Simon J. Evenett

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